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For Education Leaders

The Messy World of School Assessment


Assessment should be used as information to improve teaching or make other education-relevant decisions, not to needlessly judge students, as is often the case at the moment. Just take the frankly idiotic obsession with letter grades: A-E. Read more

Revolutionising Education Using the Metaverse


The term ‘Metaverse’ was recently unveiled to the world and it both equally excited and confused a lot of people. Whilst not everyone has grasped the concept completely, the metaverse as an enabled, somewhat connected, and immersive digital space is a goal the tech industry has been working towards.
   Several different metaverse environments are still under development. Read more

Never Take Teachers For Granted


We should never take teachers for granted, or underestimate the profound impact they have on every student they teach and the future of Australia.
  Along with parents and carers, our teachers guide our children through 13 years of school and prepare them for a world of possibilities. They work with each child as an individual, acknowledging that every child has their own way of understanding.
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Bedtime Stories a Casualty of Busy Lives


The bedtime story is one way reading skills have been built in children, but the tradition is rapidly falling by the wayside as only 25 per cent of Aussie parents now read to their children once a week or not at all.
  Time poverty is one reason as are parents’ own literacy skills, parents indicated that they were nervous about reading to their child because they were not confident in their own reading ability.
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Students Bridge Disability with Code


Year 6 students in Perth have invented a device that makes music lessons easier for people with hearing impairments.
  As part of a program run by CSIRO, STEM Professionals in Schools, students at St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls have been learning about Arduino computer coding, which is used to create and control electronic devices, from local IT expert Sheree Pudney who volunteers her own time.
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Shocking Over-funding of Private Schools at Expense of Public Schools Must Stop


The shocking but unsurprising revelation that 130 private schools were overfunded by a total of $120 million should shake up Federal and State Education Ministers to unwind past mistakes in how taxpayers’ money is distributed to schools, said Jane Caro.
   “The debacle that is driving inequality in our school system and our society must be addressed – it’s one of the main reasons I am standing in this election." 
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Charting the Road Ahead to Cloud Maturity for K–12 Public Education


In three years, the cloud has gone from a 'nice-to-have' to a must-have for most educational institutions, and especially for the K–12 public school system.
   With the Cloud powering much of today’s online and hybrid classrooms, the focus for many IT teams in education has shifted towards improving the maturity of their Cloud practices to scale for the future, which is wise as it's hard to know what comes next.
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