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For Education Leaders

The Great Lesson: Is a Mass Teacher Resignation Inevitable Without Intervention?


Without teachers, we don't have an education system. No high-tech classroom can replace a skilled workforce charged with educating our children. Read more

Stop Blaming Teachers: Students are Responsible for their Learning


Learning is very much about self-motivation. Self-motivation includes the action of engaging in the presentation of positive communication skills, this includes having good body posture; not interrupting the speaker; not being defensive when direction, advice of feedback is offered; not blaming others for what you are doing (or not doing); using a positive tone of voice; and exercising active listening skills.
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Crimson Global Academy’s Winning Online Model


Online learning was at times a hastily devised solution for educating during the pandemic but Crimson Education and now its high school incarnation Crimson Global Academy have clarified and refined the online format and come up with a flexible, individualised model that’s helping students achieve their ambitions whether it’s pursuing a course at a local university or aiming high and vying for a place in the Ivy league or Oxbridge. Read more


Why Educators Need to Re-engage with Our Most Marginalised Youth

At-risk children and teenagers suffered disproportionately when schools closed their doors and students had to undertake remote learning almost overnight in 2020 and again in 2021. Attempting to do their schoolwork in under-resourced homes where laptops or Internet access weren’t readily available only scratched the surface of their challenges.
   Online learning also contributed to classic protective layers provided by schools suddenly being ripped away.
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The Building Blocks of Creativity and Wellbeing in Kids


Creativity is essential part of play and has an important role in children’s wellbeing and with everything being digitised an investigation of how play in a digital space affects them, positively or negatively, is required.
The Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children (RITEC) project will help to clarify what a digital world that prioritises the wellbeing of children looks like and provide that information to industry.
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Female Teachers more Retirement Savvy than Males


It looks like female teachers have a better handle on their retirement finances than their male counterparts.
   ABS figures show that in 2018 females between the age of 45 and 54 recorded an average superannuation nest egg of $129,100, whilst teacher financial advisory company The Moreton Group has found their female teacher clients show their balance at the same age is $230,900. Male teachers are doing less well. Read more

Students and Parents want First Nations Educators and Education


There are around 250 indigenous languages and 800 dialects on top of those but students are more likely to learn Chinese than Warlpiri; 63% of children don’t know any local First Nations words.
   Students want that to change, they are curious about the culture and language that preceded Australia's western one and are keen to have it taught to them by First Nations Educators (FNE).
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