Undefined array key 3 #0 /var/www/minnis/minnisjournals/html/_includes/_class/newsletter.class.php(231): ErrorHandler->handle_error(2, '...', '...', 231) #1 /var/www/minnis/minnisjournals/html/_includes/_class/newsletter.class.php(340): Newsletter->display_row(Array, true, Array) #2 /var/www/minnis/minnisjournals/html/newsletter/preview.php(20): Newsletter->build_newsletter() Undefined array key 3 #0 /var/www/minnis/minnisjournals/html/_includes/_class/newsletter.class.php(265): ErrorHandler->handle_error(2, '...', '...', 265) #1 /var/www/minnis/minnisjournals/html/_includes/_class/newsletter.class.php(340): Newsletter->display_row(Array, true, Array) #2 /var/www/minnis/minnisjournals/html/newsletter/preview.php(20): Newsletter->build_newsletter()
Why all the fuss about Internal Controls? Watch it or the wheels might fall off - Wendy Collins One embittered and rueful former CEO will spend a few days in Court next month, hoping that an ex-employee is found guilty of fraud. Over recent years he had placed total trust in his Accounts Clerk. He had given her increased access to the business bank accounts, credit cards and all things financial. He never guessed that she was fleecing his company of hundreds of thousands of dollars, to support her greed and her gambling addiction. Read More New Independent Office in VIC to resolve school disputes
Victorian families will have access to an Independent Office responsible for resolving the most complex and difficult school disputes. Matters that may come to the Office include issues of access and inclusion, wellbeing and engagement, management of medical conditions, responses to bullying, appropriate setting for students at risk or disengaged students. Read More Current curriculum not preparing school leavers for adulthood
The latest report by Mitchell Institute at Victoria University finds school leavers are not graduating with the skills they need to become successful adults. The report’s co-author, Megan O’Connell said unless schools broaden learning objectives, many students will fail to become capable, successful adults. Read More PAI: Social and emotional learning key to effective discipline solutions As reported in PISA 2015: Reporting Australia's Results, “About one-third of the students in advantaged schools, and about half of those in disadvantaged schools, reported that in most or every class there was noise and disorder, students didn’t listen to what the teacher said, and that students found it difficult to learn.” Paul Geyer, CEO of Principals Australia Institute (PAI), says, “Fostering a focus on student wellbeing, through social and emotional learning programs, is crucial to turning around these worrying trends, improving students’ mental health, and creating better behavioural outcomes for schools. Read More Independent, Catholic schools back copyright reform ISCA and NCEC have welcomed plans to update copyright laws, but have expressed disappointment that Australian schools will continue to be exposed to dangers because the proposed changes to “safe harbour” provisions have been abandoned, this could mean a school is subject to copyright infringements if a student or teacher breaches the law while using the school’s IT services. Read More More help needed in stamping out bullying Children who are bullied need support, yet recently published research from University of South Australia shows disappointing outcomes for anti-bullying strategies, meaning help for bullied children is often not there. Read More New telescope for ACT schools at Mt Stromlo
Canberra's first astronomical teaching observatory for school students has been opened at ANU's Mount Stromlo Observatory. High school students will have access to the telescope in an effort to increase their interest in science. Read More WA school principals’ leadership and wellbeing enhanced
WA school principals have described the personal impact of a Mindful Leaders Program as "profound", which could have positive outcomes on their interactions with staff, students and parents. Murdoch University launched the Mindful School Leaders pilot program, which involved 30 principals from primary, secondary and education support schools. Read More |