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For Education Leaders

The Real Reason Behind Why You Feel Like You Need Another Holiday After A Holiday


What you do and who you do it with count for a lot when you're hoping to rest up. Read more

Effective Programs Are School Made


When schools are supported to apply their own insights and create programs to solve issues they are facing, good things start to happen.
   Take Toogoolawa School in Queensland, a special assistance school for boys with additional needs. Some 20% of students were reading at or below Year 2 level while half are of high-school age.
   The school created a simple, phonics-based literacy program. Read more

Bringing Aboriginal Culture and Experience to Classrooms


This issue of visibility for Indigenous Australians is persistent, for the majority of us living in the cities, contact with first nations people will be limited and most would agree that our knowledge around the world’s oldest continuous culture could use some work.
   The Aboriginal Languages Syllabus will be instrumental in improving what we know of the rich Indigenous heritage that exists in Australia. Read more

Privacy a Top Concern for Children


Analysis of thousands of pieces of writing by young people showed there was a strong trend towards words associated with the internet, data protection and online behaviour this year. Words such as, ‘information’, ‘privacy’ and ‘risk’ all experienced a significant uptake from students compared to the previous year. ‘Personal information’ and ‘online information’ were also common phrases that featured in the body of work. Read more

Is it really December?


Another year has passed at double time, and all things considered, a return to some kind of normal might be in store.
   But, guaranteed, ‘normal’ is always complex and unpredictable and that’s a good thing as it's never dull.
   Another guarantee is we’ll be back in 2023 with more top-notch education content, free and open source now for twenty plus years, we're beginning to forget the exact number. Thanks for reading and Merry Xmas.