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For Education Leaders

Digital Technologies and Engagement in the Middle Years of Mathematics and Science


Digital technologies are everywhere except in maths and science curriculums where they have been proven to have a strong effect in engaging students, especially young women and low SES background students who tend not to connect with STEM. Read more

Three Strategies to Reverse the Male Teacher Exodus


The percentage of male teachers in Australia has now fallen below 18 per cent for the very first time, according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This is a serious issue for our nation’s education system, as it shows a significant underrepresentation of male role models and perspectives in classrooms, which can have long-lasting effects on students' development and academic experience.
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Towards a School AI Adoption Framework


Generative AI is currently banned in most schools apart from in South Australia, but excluding it from use in schools is a short-term proposition. As the technology becomes ubiquitous, using it will be a required skill.
   So, a framework to provide a guideline to schools around the country on how generative AI technology should be adopted is being put together. A final framework should encourage and fund ongoing research into the impact of generative AI on learning. Read more

Setting an Education Research Agenda


Someone once described trying to organise academics as being like herding cats but the New South Wales Council of Deans of Education (NSWCDE), the peak body representing schools of education across the state, has tried.
   Drawing on extensive consultations with 181 education leaders, teachers, academics, parents, children and other stakeholders, NSWCDE has delivered a new agenda for education research. Read more

Funding Public Schools is a Win for the Economy


The impact of increased funding for public schools has been hinted at but the real effects have now been pinned down.
   The total economic benefits arising from adequate public school resourcing would be two to four times larger than the cost of meeting SRS funding standards. The fiscal gains associated with those economic benefits would ultimately offset the cost to government of improved public school funding. Read more

Talking Sex


Children are getting a sexuality education every day from the world around them. But is it the one you want them to receive?
   I wrote a book to help parents have important conversations with their kids about sex, or more accurately: human sexuality, respectful relationships and consent. I like to call it HSRRC.
   Whether you like it or not, HSRRC education is your children’s right and adults' responsibility. Read more