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For Education Leaders

Sustainable Teachers Cultivate a Growth Mindset


Students with a growth mindset are less angsty, less reactive when receiving feedback and they understand that they’re on a learning journey with you. They get that to F.A.I.L. is to make a first attempt in learning and not a cataclysmic doomsday event. They have developed resilience and an understanding that learning is a process. Read more

Melbourne School’s In-house Built AI


While many schools have sought to ban generative AI, Wesley College in Melbourne has embraced the technology, creating its own AI assistant and embedding it in the school's LMS.
   Their reasoning is simple, others might be suspicious of AI, but Wesley has realised that the technology is becoming an essential tool that students will use in their later lives so a solid grounding in AI will be an advantage. Read more

“Arts Education at its best”


Wakakirri would like to extend a BIG congratulations and thank you to all the 198 schools who took part in Wakakirri 2023.
   Wakakirri Festival Director Adam Loxley commended the performance and storytelling of all participating schools, stating “the standard this year was truly outstanding, and this is a testament to the remarkable efforts of both students and their dedicated teachers.”
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Planting the Seeds for STEM to Grow


Students are swerving advanced maths and science in number under the misconception that the subjects are dry and difficult.
   Changing that idea while students are young should be a priority and for 10 years now with their science programs, shows and incursions, Street Science have been doing their part, impressing upon students how fun, colourful and exciting science can be. The company is in the running for the Brisbane Lord Mayor's Business Prizes. Read more

Phone Locker Pouch Blocks Signals, has no Renewal fee and Eliminates Distraction


Developed and patented in Australia, Phone Locker comes in two models, the standard lockable pouch and the enhanced signal blocker. Both have the same magnetic lock mechanism; once locked the pouch can only be opened by a centrally-located unlocking magnetic base at the school or by the teacher using a base in the classroom.
   Phone Locker pouches come sizes to fit most popular phone sizes and tablets, and can be customised. Read more

Winners of the PM’s Prize for Science Teaching


The 2023 Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching have been awarded to two committed science teachers who regularly go above and beyond for their students.
   Mrs Judith Stutchbury, a classroom teacher at Kalkie State School, Bundaberg won the Primary Teaching Prize, and Ms Donna Buckley a cybersecurity teacher and Assistant Director of Mathematics at John Curtin College of the Arts in Fremantle, took the High School Teaching Prize. Read more

A New Take on Suspensions


An alternative suspension program was launched earlier this year by the Y NSW who report its pilot shows positive social impact that the program has had on young people who are suspended or at risk of being suspended.
   Suspensions are a common disciplinary practice in schools but the effects can be negative. Suspensions can lead to reduced chances of completing education and reduced employment opportunities. Read more